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Discover BigCyberGroup phishing


Proposal Form

Cyber Risk Assessment for Your Business

1. Important Notices

It is vital that you understand all information and questions contained in this cyber risk assessment form.

Based on your answers, the BCG AI engine will generate a deep cyber risk assessment of your company.

This cyber risk assessment form allows Big Cyber Group to gather the needed information to assess the risks related to the information systems of the prospective insured.

Please note that completing this proposal form does not bind Big Cyber Group nor the prospective insured to conclude an insurance policy.

  1. All the answers provided by you should be clear and truthful.

  2. This proposal must be completed, signed and dated by a Principal, Partner or Director. 

  3. You must answer all the questions in this form. If a question is not applicable, state “N/A”. 

  4. If you are a new business, use the projected figures from your business plan.

Tell us about yourself


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